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- Amendments
- Bill of Rights
- Preamble
- Article I - Legislative Department
- Article II - Executive Department
- Article III - Judicial Department
- Article IV - States' Relations
- Article V - Mode of Amendment
- Article VI - Prior Debts, National Supremacy and Oaths of Office
- Article VII - Ratification
- First Amendment - Religion and Expression
- Second Amendment - Bearing Arms
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- Fifth Amendment - Rights of Persons
- Sixth Amendment - Rights of Accused in Criminal Prosecutions
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- Eighth Amendment - Further Guarantees in Criminal Cases
- Ninth Amendment - Unenumerated Rights
- Tenth Amendment - Reserved Powers
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- Thirteenth Amendment - Slavery and Involuntary Servitude
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- Fifteenth Amendment - Rights of Citizens to Vote
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- Eighteenth Amendment - Prohibition of Intoxicating Liquors
- Nineteenth Amendment - Woman's Suffrage Rights
- Twentieth Amendment - Commencement of the Terms of the President, Vice President and Members of Congress.
- Twenty-First Amendment - Repeal of the Eighteenth Amendment
- Twenty-Second Amendment - Presidential Tenure
- Twenty-Third Amendment - Presidential Electors for the District of Columbia
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- Twenty-Fifth Amendment - Presidential Vacancy, Disability, and Inability
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- Twenty-Seventh Amendment - Congressional Pay Limitation
- 小火箭加速 From Cornell Law School.
- U.S. Supreme Court Opinions Since 1893.
The Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress prepared this document, The Constitution of the United States of America: Analysis and Interpretation. Johnny H. Killian and George A. Costello edited the 1992 Edition. Johnny H. Killian, George A. Costello and Kenneth R. Thomas edited the 1996 and 1998 Supplements. George A. Costello and Kenneth R. Thomas edited the 2000 Supplement.
FindLaw has divided the document up into smaller sections for the Web and added hyperlinks between the sections, as well as links to Supreme court cases cited in the annotations. FindLaw also incorporated the 1996, 1998 and 2000 Supplements into the 1992 Edition text.